Nulis Tanpa Batas

Nulis Tanpa Batas

Ada yang berbeda...

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Day is always lovely, but not so with the heart. when it rains sometimes can symbolize feelings.  
day of change, everyone has a look on his face is different. where their feelings are difficult to guess. I am also confused, but if I'm gutted they did not know. I am very proud of myself. I have always been able to fight my laziness. maybe, if someone can have relationships with me they would be happy with me. I am sure that, if a man can keep my feelings too. when someone broke it to me that they feel guilty. I am not the woman for a play but, I am very loyal, especially if someone retsebut handsome, cool, nice, and have a heart. I really admire her. like you've filled my heart.



Made by myself, a music video with images from others Avril Vids - mostly when you're gonne and happy ending.. Did the best I could and think Turned pretty cool..

Well watch it and enjoy!!

And PLEASE, leave you comment and reate!! TNKS :)